Susan D’s Full Story

Dearest Kim,

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. The following is the great knowledge, gifts and insights you have given me.

For all considering working with Kim Mecklenburg I say run, do not walk to her great skill set and knowledge.

My Story.

I was in a marriage for 40 years, however it turned unhealthy once we developed a successful business. My husband no longer treated me as an equal, friend or partner. I felt beat down, and sometimes afraid of his temper. I was blamed for his anger and be-ratings. It was an extremely difficult time. I did not know what had happened to our relationship. I did start to see my part and mistakes. I believed in taking ownership and making the corrections and apology’s, which only had temporary effect on him. He was often angry and then denied that he was. I didn’t know what to do. I knew that if, I should I leave him, it would be very difficult because we were so financially intertwined, with the business and property investments.

I had tried counselors, marriage counselors and Al-Anon. AL-Anon helped a lot, but I needed more. That’s when a dear friend guided me to Kim.

Kim taught me about the narcissistic personality. Showed me how they manipulate and twist truths. How they love to set you up in front of others and don’t like it when they are not the center of attention. They use people for their own ends. They are often quite intelligent, (which my husband was) and can be incredibly charming, outgoing and the life of the party. What she taught me described my husband to a T. He wanted to control me and have me be there for him. It was a one-way street. I began to see how I was methodically manipulated, put down and sometimes rewarded with a little attention if I gave enough, which kept me coming back. But I learned the game. And no longer engaged in the game. His anger heightened.

Kim guided me well. I longer felt beat down, she helped me see my gifts. Kim is a great listener, she has the ability to read body language, the subtle signs in language, tone and facial expressions that were indicators of my emotions that often I was not even aware of. She taught me that all my feelings, whether on the surface or hidden deep inside were important.

With this knowledge, I worked with my husband to look for resolutions but he denied, deflected and accused. Which made it clear to me he was unwilling to change. I finally decided to divorce. This was the first phase of change.

I asked Kim if she could help me understand people better so that I may communicate and relate on a deeper level with people. She recommended the Life Intelligence program she developed. I learned so much and it changed my understanding of people and their way of thinking, living and expressing themselves. This has empowered me to communicate on other people’s levels and understand our differences in an informed way. It has been a most powerful and positive tool in my life and is so easy to use. Phase two complete.

She took me to greater heights in communication skills and understanding people in different situations.

I learned to bridge conversations. How to identify the goal I wished to get across, have humility and acknowledge others, without losing tract of my goal. Also, to be opened to greater knowledge when given. To validate self and others, and to redirect conversations when they got off tract. Such skills have been incredibly valuable to me. Phase three complete.

Kim has developed Kimchi Wisdom and Life lab Networks. Her many services are transformative on the deepest level. All it takes is the desire for change and the action to attain it. Her skills will elevate you and set you free to be the greatest you, you can be.

Blessings to Kim and all who seek transformation.

Susan D.